Previous Chapter: Decisive Battle! Magus Castle!!

気がつけば 原始 Before You Know It, Primeval Forward to the Past
イオカ村 B.C.65 million Ioka Village Ioka Village

Crono, Frog, and the third character are in Ayla's hut. She's as hyperactive as ever. Crono gets up first, followed by the third character.

エイラ「クロ 気付いたか! Ayla: Cro woke up!? Ayla: Crono awake?!
マール「エイラ! Marle: Ayla! Marle: Ayla!
ルッカ「エイラ!? Lucca: Ayla!? Lucca: Ayla?!

Robo: Ayla-san.
Which means this IS....

Robo: Ms. Ayla!
 Which means we're...

Frog gets up slowly.

エイラ「エイラ 会いたかった。
  不思議山 行った。
  お前達 倒れてた。
  エイラ 一人で みな かついで
  テント 連れて来た。

Ayla: Ayla wanted meet.
Went Mystery Mountain.
Yous were falled down.
Ayla carried everyone
herself, brought to tent.

Ayla: Ayla had strange
 Went to Mystic Mountains.
 Everyone lie there, hurt.
 I carry back to hut.

Frog wakes up a bit more and jumps, waving his sword around.

カエル「ま、魔王ーッ! Frog: M, Magus! Frog: Magus!
エイラ「このカエル デカい。
  みやげか? エイラ 食って

Ayla: This frog huge.
Present? Can Ayla eat?

Ayla: Yummy frog!
 For Ayla eat?

Frog: Wh, why you!
More importantly, that pale-faced
caped lowlife wasn't there!?

Frog: P, perish the thought, lass!
 By the way, whither the blue-haired
  そいつ お前より ウマイか?

Ayla: No, just yous.
That one tastier than you?

Ayla: Only find you there.
 Blue-hair one more tasty?
カエル「……逃がしたか。 Frog: I've let him get away. Frog: We hath lost him...

Frog calms down a bit and puts his sword away.


Marle: But if Magus didn't bring
forth Lavos....
Just how long has Lavos...?

Marle: But if Magus didn't create
 Lavos, where from?

Lucca: Come to think of it, Magus
was saying Lavos has existed
since ancient times long ago....

Lucca: Magus said that Lavos
 was born in the distant past...

Robo: The records that say Magus
produced Lavos WERE mistaken.
Then, when MIGHT the actual time
of Lavos's birth BE?

Robo: If Magus didn't create
 Lavos, then in what era was
  それより ゆっくり休め。
  お前達 傷だらけ。

Ayla: Lavos?
Forget that, rest good.
Yous full of wounds.

Ayla: Lavos?
 Not worry now.
 You rest.
 Hurt bad.

Ayla walks out of the tent, and everyone goes to sleep. When they wake up later, Kino walks in.

キーノ「元気か クロ達。
  エイラ 今 大変。
  ラルバの村 探してる。
  ラルバの村と 力あわせ 恐竜人と
  最後の戦い やる!
  恐竜人 ほろぼさなければ キーノ達

Kino: Healthy, Cros?
Ayla hard time now.
Searching Laruba Village.
Join strength with Laruba Village,
have final battle with Dinomen!
If not destroy Dinomen, Kinos

Kino: Crono, ok now?
 Ayla busy, look for Laruba
 Fight Reptites together.
 Destroy Reptites or we no survive.
キーノ! Kino! Kiiiiiiiiino!

A generic villager rushes in.

キーノ「どした! クロ達 休んでる。

Kino: What wrong!? Cros resting.
Make quiet!

Kino: What happen?
 Crono rest.

Kino: What happen!   Villager: Somebody set up us the bomb!   ...okay, that's enough "all your base" references....

北の森 メラ! メラ!! メラ!!! North wood burn! Burn!! Burn!!! North wood burning!!!

メラ (mera) is probably from メラメラ (meramera), bursting into flame.

Kino jumps at the news and rushes out. Better follow him....

ラルバの村のやけ跡 B.C.65 million Labura Village's Burnt Remains Laruba ruins

The trading hut has new weapons for everyone except Frog. His damage starts to lag a bit, but the high critical rate makes up for it. Anyhow, a large part of the forest northwest of Ioka is now burnt out, revealing a small village. The village itself is ruined, but some villagers are still around. People Who Abandoned the Desire to Live plays. As Crono enters the village, one of the villagers cries out.

キーノ 恐竜人 さらわれた!
恐竜人 さからった者 みな殺しする!
たいへん! たいへん!
Kino kindapped by Dinomen!
Dinomen massacre ones who oppose!
Awful! Awful!
Reptites take Kino!
 Reptites hurt all who fight!
 What do now?!

Further into the ruins, Ayla is talking to the apparent leader.

長老「エイラ……、これ みな
  見ろ この ありさま……
  お前の後 恐竜人 つけてた!
  だから この村 こんな目にあった!

Elder: Ayla... this all your fault....
Look, how this is....
Dinomen followed after you!
That why this village suffer like this!

OLD MAN: Ayla...This your fault!
 Look at mess...
 Reptites followed you!
 So village now ruined!
  すまん……、エイラ うかつ……

Ayla: ......
Sorry... Ayla careless....

Ayla: ... Ayla feel bad.
長老「恐竜人 たてつく おろか!
  恐竜人 ワシらより 昔から
  だから ワシら かくれてた。
  だが エイラ いっしょに戦え
  エイラ こんな目 あっても
  戦え 言うか!?

Elder: Opposing Dinomen foolish!
Dinomen on this earth from
more long ago than us.
That why we were hiding.
But Ayla say fight together....
Ayla say fight even if suffer
like this!?

OLD MAN: Reptites strong!
 They live long time before us, they
 smart so we hide.
 But Ayla say fight together...
 Ayla still fight?!
エイラ「生きてるなら エイラ
  勝った者 生きる。 負けた者 死ぬ。
  それ この大地のおきて。
  恐竜人も エイラ達も 生き物
  みな このおきて さからえない。
  長老 お前達 生きてない。

Ayla: If alive, Ayla fight!
Winners live. Losers die.
That law of this earth.
Dinomen too, Aylas too, all
living thing no can defy this law.
Elder, yous not alive.
Just not dead.

Ayla: Ayla fight while alive!
 Win and live. Lose and die.
 Rule of life.
 No change rule.
 Old man breathe, but dead on inside.
長老「エイラ お前 強い……
  だから そう言える。
  ワシら 力 ない……

Elder: Ayla, you strong....
That why can say that.
We not have strength....

OLD MAN: Ayla, you strong, can
 make big talk.
 We no have power...
エイラ「それ 違う!
  力あるから 戦う 違う。
  戦うから 力つく!
  エイラ達 力 かす。
  だから プテラン!
  プテラン 今 必要。
  プテラン かしてくれ。

Ayla: That wrong!
Fight because have power, wrong.
Power come because fight!
Aylas lend power.
That why Pteran!
Need Pteran now.
Lend Pteran.

Ayla: No! Have power!
 We fight, gain more power!
 Ayla help you, but need Dactyl.
 Give Dactyl.

Actually, that's how things usually work in RPGs... you don't fight because you're strong, you get strong because you fight....

  ティラン城 乗り込む気か!?
  あそこ 恐竜人の城。
  キケン! いくらエイラでも!

Elder: Pteran...?
You want go in Tyran Castle!?
That place Dinomen's castle.
Danger! Even if Ayla!
Want to die?

OLD MAN: Need Dactyl?
 Go to Tyrano lair?!
 That Reptite's place.
 Ayla want die?
エイラ「違う 生きたいから 行く。
  エイラ だいじょうぶ。 たのむ!

Ayla: Wrong, want to live, so go.
Ayla fine. Depend on you!

Ayla: Want to live, so go there!
 Ayla be OK.
 Give Dactyl!
  プテランの世話してる者 伝えておく。
  プテランの巣 行く。
  気をつける エイラ!

Elder: ...okay.
I tell those who care for Pteran.
Go Pteran nest.
Ayla be careful!

 Go to Dactyl's nest and keeper will
 Careful, Ayla!
エイラ「長老 助かる! Ayla: Elder helpful! Ayla: Thank you, Old man!

Ayla leaves. Crono follows.

プテランの巣 B.C.65 million Pteran Nest Dactyl Nest

First are a few cliffs to climb, with monsters as usual. Primeval Mountain plays. At the top of the mountain, Ayla shrieks, and a pterodactyl lands in front of her. What looks like a bright red star is also visible in the sky.

エイラ「クロ!! Ayla: Cro!! Ayla: Crono!!

Of the characters listed below, the first one who is in the active party speaks.


Lucca: Isn't it awfully cold of you
to go on your own?

Lucca: You can't be serious about
 going alone!

Marle: Trying to go and leave us
behind, you can't do that!

Marle: Don't even THINK about
 leaving us behind!

Frog: You plan on going alone?
I don't understand the situation
too well, but if you're Crono's
friend, you're my friend....
I can't let you do such a thing
as facing death alone.

Frog: Thou goest forth alone?
 I know not thine quest, but a
 comrade of Crono's is also mine.
 I will not allow thee to meet thy
 demise alone.
エイラ「ダメ! ティラン城 危険!!
  みな 死ぬかもしれない!!

Ayla: No! Tyran Castle danger!!
All might die!!

Ayla: No!
 Tyrano lair dangerous!
 Maybe all perish!

The same person continues.


Lucca: ......
I don't like the idea of skipping
out on owing someone a favor.
Right, Crono?

Lucca: Listen, we owe you one!
 Right, Crono?

Marle: No!
Now we really can't let you go alone!!
You're really helped us out, for one
This time it's our turn to repay you.
Right, Crono?

Marle: We can't let you go alone!
 Ayla, you saved us.
 Now it's payback time!
 Right Crono?

Frog: Then you intend to die alone?
We were saved by you earlier....
Many times already people have
died thanks thanks to me....
We're going, Crono.

Frog: You desire to perish?
 I refuseth to be party to yet another
 Let us proceed, Crono.
エイラ「オマエら…… Ayla: Yous.... Ayla: Ayla have strong

The first character on the list below who is present speaks.


Lucca: Come on, we're going!
Now, on to Tyran Castle!!

Lucca: We're all going to the Tyrano
マール「行こう エイラ!

Marle: Let's go, Ayla!
To Tyran Castle!!

Marle: Ayla, let's go!
 Next stop, the Tyrano Lair!

Robo: Then LET US go!
To Tyran Castle!!

Robo: Let us proceed to the Tyrano

Ayla calls two more Pteran. After the player chooses which character will go with Crono and Ayla, the three of them board the Pteran and lift off. The red star glitters ominously.... Ayla is required to be the second character in the active party until further notice.

Previous Chapter: Decisive Battle! Magus Castle!!

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