
CTNP offers a unique experience each time you visit! The page's top image and the side character image with associated quotation randomize, providing you with a dynamic Chrono experience with every viewing of the site. All quotes are actual lines used in the novel.

"Weapons are not meant for the taking of lives but for saving them."

To all those who love greatness and believe in the power of hope and ambition, welcome to the home of the Chrono Trigger Novel Project. Within this project is an unmatched passion for the Chrono series, in particular the story within. The CTNP exists with the goal of achieving great things in the future through the mythos of the Chrono series, starting with the novelization of the timeless classic, Chrono Trigger.

CT Novel Beta Reading is currently closed for editing.
Thank you to the dozens of people who have participated as beta readers thus far.  I've received plenty of excellent feedback and have decided that it's finally time to close this round of beta reading, pending further edits.
Check out past beta reading results at the About the Novel page.


1/3/24—New "Heroes of Time" Novel Announcement and CTNP Update

First of all, Happy New Year!  May 2024 be a year of hope, blessing, and prosperity for each of you.

I just announced that a new novel has been written for the "Heroes of Time" series, which serves as another possible entry point into the series.  It's designed for both new and existing fans to enjoy.  This new YA fantasy action/adventure is a prequel volume starring Fulgar Geth, the fan-favorite healer and spiritual guide from the novel Heroes of Time Legends: Murdoch's Choice , exploring his rough-and-tumble past and his tumultuous personal journey.  This new novel is written as a lead-in to both Murdoch's Choice and The First Ethereal, which will be the first novel of the main flagship series.  I explain all of this further, with visuals and a "kind of" title reveal in the video below.

As also explained in the video, as of now I am still looking for beta and advanced review copy (ARC) readers for the new novel.  You can apply to participate  hereor send a message via the contact page.

As for CTNP, the "update" is more of a goal and a hope.  As I continue to build my "Heroes of Time" fantasy series, Chrono Trigger remains ever in my mind.  This is the story that primarily sharpened my writing skills over so many years, and it holds a very special place in my heart.  I hold on to the hope that, when the time is right, something will happen.  Exactly how or when or what I have no idea...but something and sometime.

To an extent, we have to understand that, culturally, things in Japan work very differently than in the USA and other parts of the world.  Even in the business world, things can stew on a radically different timeline.  That's my own personal experience, anyway.  As it pertains to Chrono Trigger, not just regarding the novel but even in developing a sequel game that fans have been begging to get for decades now, I figure there are any number of complicating factors.  So, this remains a time of waiting, although not idly.  In that time, I will continue building myself as an author and publishing professional, as well as the "Heroes of Time" series that I am also deeply passionate about.  As all that happens, I will continue pursuing this project with Square Enix via professional and relevant means.  As they say in Zeal, only time will tell how it ends.

Keep watching this website, the CTNP Facebook page, and the Heroes of Time website to ensure you're in on all the exciting updates to come!

6/27/23—A Chrono Trigger Remake?

Rumors abound about the possibility of a Chrono Trigger remake, with a supposed Square insider claiming it to be true.  I've created a new blog entry, "How a Chrono Trigger Remake Might Affect the CT Novel," with info about this rumor and what effect that could have on the final Chrono Trigger novel.

I do hope to have some more content and updates coming your way soon, so stay tuned to the website and the CTNP Facebook page to ensure you get the latest.

5/16/22—CT Novel Beta Reading Closed for Editing

I've actually meant to do this for a while now, but I've finally decided that the first CT Novel and installment of the novelized "Chrono" series, Chrono Trigger: The Hero Rising is closed to any new beta readers at this time.  I've received lots of great feedback and have more than enough to polish the manuscript before beta reading opens back up.  A great big thank you to everyone who has participated!

Due to my current work on multiple "Heroes of Time" novels, it will take some time before the edits are done on the CT Novel.  Certainly stay tuned to this website, our email newsletter, and our Facebook page for any major updates.

That said, beta reading IS currently open for two of my "Heroes of Time" series novels.  One is the sequel of my first published novel, Heroes of Time Legends: Murdoch's Choice, and the other is to be the first of the prime series, Heroes of Time: The First Ethereal.  (The Murdoch "Legends" series represents a tie-in to the main series.  They are, in essence, two valid entry points to the overall series.)  You can apply for these through this same beta reading system at either of my websites: or

In other news, my blog is now shared between my Heroes of Time and Chrono Trigger websites, as evidenced by the new menu link.

Always, keep checking in for news and updates!

3/22/22—Newsletter and Heroes of Time®

Howdy, folks!  First, just to address things in general...I am, in fact, as busy as ever in regards to writing.  Right now the big focus is on building the "Heroes of Time" series, in particular the Captain Murdoch "Legends" tie-in portion of that series.  See the previous news post below (12/3/21) to check out the first book.  The sequel is coming soon!

But what about Chrono Trigger?  The dream of CTNP is as alive as ever.  Right now true progress comes down to Square Enix.  I do have contact with them.  I do reach out once in a while.  Things are just generally quiet on that front.  Personal experience tells me that the Chrono brand is difficult for them to navigate when it comes to granting rights.  Perhaps that's due to standing agreements, an unusual amount of red tape, or other internal plans - no idea.  Whatever the case, I believe that the best thing I can do right now is build my relevance and reputation as a writer.  "Heroes of Time" is entirely my own and achieves exactly that.  I am working very hard to make this an awesome fantasy series of novels, and I hope you will check it out.  As always, any support is greatly appreciated.

In the meantime, be sure to follow the Facebook page, as that is where most of the activity is these days.  I'm working to keep a more regular flow of information in the form of blog posts and general news going on in the Chrono series and the CT Novel.  We'll be doing more featurettes with interesting tidbits about the epic-fantasy adaptation that is the cornerstone of this project.  That will usually start with the newsletter and follow with updates to the Heroes of Time Blog and right here at

Speaking of the newsletter, for the time being the newsletter for CTNP and Heroes of Time are being handled together.  The primary purpose of this newsletter is for Heroes of Time updates and features, but we are also keeping it relevant to Chrono fans by including the featurettes I mentioned above.  Thus, you'll find great CTNP-related updates and news by being a part of this newsletter!  (Note: the Mailing List link in the menu now leads to the Heroes of Time mailing list sign-up page.)  To see an example of this newsletter, click here for the web version of the most recent one, sent just a few days ago.

Stay tuned for more fun info, updates, and any news that develops.  Take care!

12/3/21—Deals on My First Published Novel!

Heroes of Time Legends: Murdoch's Choice Front CoverThose of you following the Facebook page or my newsletter will know that I recently published my first novel, Heroes of Time Legends: Murdoch's Choice.  This launches the first installment of the "Heroes of Time" series, which I've been working very hard on lately.  I believe fans of the Chrono story will also find this series very enjoyable.

Right now Murdoch's Choice is being offered under some very sweet holiday deals.  The ebook is currently available from Amazon for only $.99.  The professionally produced audiobook is available from Chirp for only $.99.  And the paperback is also discounted for a limited time.  Just go here for the full breakdown and all relevant links.

Stay tuned for more updates in the future!

5/13/21—Status and Participation Notes for Beta Readers

First of all, many thanks to the dozens of individuals who have, at some point or another, expressed interest in reading the novel as beta readers.  While applications can still be submitted, I am now being much more selective about who gets approved.  As the red, bolded text says, I'm truly looking for serious readers - the ones who can be relied upon to read consistently, without significant procrastination, who will commit to finishing it within a reasonable timeframe, and who will give complete and timely feedback.

Because, if I'm being honest, I've got a LOT of procrastinators stuck in the system.  Even though many of these readers indicated praise for the early chapters, they've stopped reading for one reason or another - the commitment just wasn't quite there.  (And, yes, some just didn't like it.  I learned long ago that you can never please everyone.)  Please note: if you're currently a beta reader who hasn't updated your questionnaire in, say, 3 months or more, expect your status to change to "Rejected."  That's nothing personal, but I need to clean things up and focus on those who are actually committed.

Likability of the novel has remained high throughout this entire process, I'm pleased to see.  The average likability rating across all chapters remains at over 8 out of 10.

If you really want to apply, take a little time to convince me.  Give me some juicy, interesting, hard-to-resist reasons to approve you on your application.  Why, specifically, will you be an awesome reader?  Simply saying "I'm a big fan of the game," while great, will not be sufficient to get approved at this stage.

Also, set your expectations.  As described in this website, this novelization is not just a retelling of the game.  It certainly is that, but it's much more.  This is an adaptation of the Chrono Trigger story into epic fantasy, meant to entice both fans and non-fans of the original game.  Expect embellishments, additional lore, some new names here and there, and things that otherwise fill some gaps.  Experience it not just as a purist of the game but as a reader of fantasy.  Guess what?  Many readers have told me that the best parts of this novel are the embellishments and added material.  So, please, go into it with a reasonably open mind.  There is a ton of love and passion poured into this novel.

Beta reading relationships, for me, are long-term, not limited to just the one novel.  This is one key reason why I look for solid, committed readers who consistently stick through to the end.  Several carefully selected readers have already gone on to read the first novel of my new "Heroes of Time" project (see last news update below) and will be my first go-to readers for future needs.  Such readers get inside insights, access to private discussions, first looks at things like artwork preliminaries, and, eventually, free signed novels.

Thanks to those who have been rockstar readers.  You are truly a blessing and a huge part of my journey as a writer!

2/19/21—Announcing "Heroes of Time" Project

As beta reading wraps up on the first Chrono Trigger novel, it now begins for something brand new.  The first novel of my new, original "Heroes of Time" series has been drafted and is now receiving beta readers.  In fact, if you were to become a beta reader right now, you would see that this project is available for application.

Here at, the HoT series might be mentioned occasionally, but this website will remain focused primarily on news and updates pertaining to the CT Novel.  A new website will soon launch as the gateway to all my projects at, so stay tuned for that.  This new project still has relevance to CTNP, however.  It stands to reason that, as I become more well-known as a published author, this could only bring us steps closer to making a published CT Novel a reality.

Also, in other news, the website has been updated with a new logo and background color.

Thanks, as always, to all those who have supported my writing projects.  You are a blessing and an encouragement more than you know!

10/29/20—Beta Reading Final Call

Beta reading for Chrono Trigger: The Hero Rising will soon be closing.  This is following an active and productive several months of accepting beta readers and receiving feedback.  I remain overall pleased with the results, and at this point I pretty much have what I need to pursue next steps.

Serious readers only please!  In this final round, applications will be carefully reviewed.  If applying, please include some very thoughtful reasons why you would make a great beta reader.  This is a long novel, something like  The Fellowship of the Ring, and commitment to consistent progress will be expected.  At this time I am especially interested in readers that meet criteria such as the following:

  • Avid reader of other novels in the sci-fi/fantasy genre;
  • Expert or keen knowledge of Shakespearean or King James type archaic English;
  • Expert of keen knowledge of Scottish dialect;
  • Anyone who is a professional in literature, writing, editing, publishing, literary agency, etc.;

Any of the above or other outstanding credentials should be noted, in detail, on the application.  Please go here to apply.

When next beta reading opens up, it will be for my new in-progress novel.  At some point beta reading may again open up for the CT Novel, but in all likelihood this will not be for a long time.

10/14/20—CTNP Goes Social

Today, for the first time ever, CTNP is finally on social media!  Please check out the new project Facebook page here, where various updates, tidbits of information, series news, random fantasy minutae, and whatever else I feel like spewing shall be posted.  While you're there, please be sure to like/follow the page.

Sure, call me behind the times.  That's fair.  Better late than never, right?

3/12/20—Happy Birthday, Chrono Trigger!

Hard to believe it's been 25 years since this amazing game came out!  Show some nostalgic love today, or at least some time this year, and dust off that old New Game + you've been neglecting.

Here's hoping for something new to finally happen in the series one day.  Personally, I hope for a certain novelization to press forward...but I might be a tad biased.

1/28/20—New Beta Reader System Launches

See that new "Beta Reader" option in the top menu? now sports a brand-new system for managing beta reader applications, files distribution, and feedback.  I don't know of any other writers that have ever actually created their own online beta-reading, yeah, I'm pretty stoked!

Why not start your own beta-reading experience now?  Just to to "Become a Beta Reader" under the "Beta Readers" menu above...or click here if you're lazy like the rest of us.  Please contact me if you run into any problems.  We tested pretty extensively...but, hey, it's a new system, after all!

12/28/19—Work Continues

Yeah, I know.  My first site update in 2019, and it's the end of December.  Even at that, this isn't really a site update so much as an announcement of updates to come very soon.

First, beta reading has continued to go very well for the novel.  I will soon provide some updated statistics for the "About the Novel" page soon, but suffice to say that its performance among readers remains pretty steady.  Really, it breaks down like this: the novel is totally ready.  Sure, a future publisher, editor, and even Square Enix might have their share of requested changes...but I have every confidence it is ready for that next step.  All that truly remains is for Square Enix to step up and allow us to breathe life back into this property.

That said, beta reading is still open to applicants.  In fact, CTNP beta reading is about to get much more robust.  Stay tuned for a major site update, coming very soon, which will introduce an online beta reading system to make the application process smoother, faster, and easier to manage.  Approved beta readers will then be able to login to obtain chapters online and view, save, and submit their feedback questionnaire.  I daresay it will be quite a slick system, which I plan to use for all my major writing projects down the road.

Speaking of that, I'll take this opportunity to say that my own brand-new epic fantasy series is coming along nicely.  This will be a very character-driven time-travel adventure story, fully intended for publication (and without those pesky copyright barriers).  The results of alpha reading are extremely positive so far.  Fans of Chrono Trigger should be excited for this, as well.  It's a totally different adventure, of course, but success of this new series will only increase the chance of further development for the CT Novel.  More will be announced about this project once the time is right.

With that, I wish everyone a terrific remainder of the holiday season and an amazing New Year.  May the year 2020 be one of fulfillment, success, and purpose-driven direction.

11/14/18—For Your Listening Pleasure

Things are pretty steady right now.  I'm still happily signing on beta readers, so please use the links above if you're interested in reading and critiquing the first complete novel.  Several more critiques have come in, and the novel continues to score consistently well.  I will say that, at this point, I've had plenty of feedback from fans of the game.  I'm thrilled to keep those coming.  However, it would be awesome to get some more readers involved who have NOT played the game.  Generally these should be readers who enjoy reading epic fantasy, which is the format followed in this novelization.

Meanwhile, work on my new novel series is progressing nicely.  This takes most of my time right now.

I mentioned an audiobook version of the novel back in May.  I still want to get that completed, but at the moment it is behind other more pressing projects.  This is something that takes way longer to complete than I originally anticipated.  If it's something you're interested in seeing me complete, however, I'd love to hear from you.

It's also my hope to start up a CTNP Facebook page in the near future, as perhaps a more effective means of staying in touch with the fan base.  Keep an eye open for further news about that.

Finally, if you like really awesome video game soundtracks, or even just great sounding instrumental music, please check out Samo Studios.  This fellow, Sam Dillard, has put together several really fantasic albums as cinematic tributes to classic game series such as Chrono, Metroid, and Zelda.  (I personally love using the Metroid album as background music while writing.)  These are described as epic retellings of the original music set to the film score of our imaginations.  Chrono Cinematica is, of course, a standout, but all of the albums are truly amazing.  Many of these tracks are absolutely glorious, and you should stop what you're doing right now and get these albums.  Seriously.  Then, once you're pumped up with some awesome music, sign up as a beta reader and start reading!

5/11/18—Beta Readers Still Welcome (Eyesight Optional)

The first installment of the novelized Chrono series continues to receive positive feedback from readers.  If you are interested in reading the complete first novel and providing feedback, I am still accepting beta readers.  (Please only request to sign on as a beta reader if you will commit to reading consistently and providing feedback.  A feedback questionnaire is provided with the beta package, which I feel makes the process smoother for both of us.)

As part of the questionnaire readers are asked to rate each chapter from 1 to 10.  With 26 chapters, the highest score possible is 260.  I'm very pleased to report that the novel has received its very first PERFECT score, and this coming from a blind reader who actually experienced it using a computerized audio reader, optimized with the help of a friend.  I just found that to be super cool and am thrilled that he was able to enjoy the story so much.  (Prior to this, the novel had a near-perfect score from another reader of 258.)

This has even inspired me to move forward with developing my own "audiobook" version of the novel as a side project.  I may later make that available to readers by request...but let's see how it turns out first.


Well, Star Wars: The Last Jedi is out, so it seems as good a time as any for a website update.

First off, I'd like to wish everyone a very merry Christmas and happy holiday season.  However you celebrate this special time of year, may it be a true blessing for you and your loved ones. 

Next is an update...and, frankly, it's not an easy one.  Many visitors to this site know how persistent I have pursued getting the rights to publish the  Chrono Trigger novel.  It's a dream that has literally existed for decades now.  I've expended significant resources and exhaustive efforts reaching out to Square Enix, and in that I was recently successful.  We were able to make direct contact and get the project before the team in Japan once again.  And, once again, they've declined to move forward with any discussions regarding a license for the  Chrono property.  The door isn't absolutely closed; right now it just isn't open.

I can only begin to speculate as to why.  I've approached this via enough different angles to feel confident that it isn't me, the project, or the novel itself.  They know how long I've been doing this and how passionately I've toiled to make this happen.  My approach has been professional, using a first-rate IP lawyer and industry contacts.  I've shown how serious I am about this brand with the approach, vision, strategy, planning, quality, and resources poured into it.  I can only hope that, someday, they will be able to see that and revisit this opportunity.  It is certainly my commitment to myself and to the fans to exhaust every effort.  So far, I can tell you that I have.

In summer 2016 the Chrono Compendium, one of the foremost remaining Chrono fan websites, made the statement that "the Chrono series is in its twilight."  As true as that may seem, I've chosen to hope that the novel could change that course.  I firmly believe that the novel is the best way to revitalize this brand, keep it alive, and allow it to reach its full potential.  The pages of this website will help you see why  this novel is made to do just that.  But my belief in that isn't enough.  Whatever holds Square Enix back on progressing this brand has to change, and if that day finally comes, I will be more than ready and willing to engage in that discussion.

In the meantime, I am continuing to sign on beta readers and invite anyone interested in participating to contact me.  I truly believe you won't be disappointed, and you may even be amazed.  You can see how other readers have already reacted to the novel by visiting the About the Novel page.

As for other news, at the core my passion remains to publish an epic fantasy novel series.  I had hoped to start with Chrono Trigger, but since that remains on hold I have decided to move forward with my own brand-new series.  It's way too early to really say anything about it here, but please do look for further updates and announcements to come.

As always, if there are any developments to announce, you'll see it here first.  Peace!

11/4/17—Updated Content and Artwork

I've just gone through the entire site, cleaning up some text and adding new information.  One particular highlight is the About the Novel page, where a breakdown of the first novel's beta reading results thus far has been added.  As a special feature, brand-new Novel Character Artwork is now being debuted for your viewing enjoyment.  This new artwork complements this project as a fresh breath of air for the story and the characters, and they fit directly with how the characters are presented in the novel.

Things remain active in the project.  Stay tuned for further news and updates!

8/5/17—First Novel Completed

While site updates may be a bit slow, progress in the project is not.  Since October of last year, I have steered the entire first novel through a process of beta reading and final edits, which ultimately spanned three separate rounds.  I have been very pleased with the results.  As a result of this process, I now have metrics that tell me several important things, such as: both existing fans and non-fans of Chrono Trigger seem to enjoy the book equally; the novel is effectively standing on its own as a work of fantasy fiction; and it performs well among both female and male demographics.  The feedback gained through this process has also resulted in some new content and modifications that I am particularly pleased with.

So, as of July 23rd, I have declared the first novel finished...for now.

I say "for now" for a few reasons.  Among the most exciting is that I have managed to obtain a review and critique from best-selling fantasy writer Patrick Rothfuss, author of "The Kingkiller Chronicle" series.  I'm very excited to hear his take and words of wisdom, and I have little doubt that his feedback will lead me to change at least something in the novel.  Secondly, should I successfully obtain rights from Square Enix, there could be changes suggested by the eventual editor or publisher...but personally I expect them to be few.  I'm not trying to brag, but after so many years of edits and rewrites, this thing is pretty air-tight.

Third, there could be an additional round of beta reading in the future, but that is not for sure.  Should you have an interest in being a beta reader in the future, however, please drop me a note from the contact page.

I plan to do another update very soon to share some of the results and comments from the beta reading process.

1/11/17—The Effort Continues

Happy New Year!  Optimism abounds for all of us involved in the CTNP, as we hope for great and amazing developments to come for the novel and Chrono brand over the coming year!

Beta reading is progressing nicely, with a good sampling of folks both familiar and unfamiliar with Chrono Trigger.  A few readers have been kind enough to submit blurbs to summarize their thoughts:

"So many who came of age in the '80s and '90s remember Chrono Trigger fondly as one of the best video games of its era or any era since. Just check out the crazy prices for the original game cartridge on eBay! Perhaps more importantly, Chrono Trigger is remembered for its rich storyline that played out over the course of many hours in the game. With his vision for an expanded plot and even more in-depth character development, Wayne has brought that story to vivid life in the form of a novel that is sure, not only to satisfy the game's existing fans, but to bring in a whole new generation of Chrono fanatics.

"Since I first came across the Chrono Trigger Novel Project in the early 2000s, I've been impressed with Wayne's persistence, year after year, in completing and revising the novel itself and in striving to bring it to publication in the right way with the right people. Next to their original creators, Crono, Marle, Lucca, and friends have no bigger cheerleader."
- John Stanifer, author of Virtuous Worlds: The Video Gamer's Guide to Spiritual Truth

"A fitting tribute to a fantastic game, the Chrono Trigger Novel fully captures the gaming masterpiece that is Chrono Trigger. All the action and characters you’ve missed, and most importantly the story you love is back in a brand new way. The book is perfectly suited for any fantasy novel fan, but it is an absolute must for any gamer."
- Ryan Harger

"Chrono Trigger is known for its depth, but it's impressive how much room Wayne has found to expand and deepen its plot and cast, while remaining utterly faithful to the original story. Ayla has surprising depth, Spekkio is a riot, and Lucca is even more ingenious than ever. Every quality that is beloved about the cast is magnified, so there's that much more to love. Each character has their own unique "voice" that impacts their dialogue. Even if it's not explicitly stated who says a particular line, it's easy to look at and say "Oh yeah, that's a Lucca line for sure." Crono has a last name, a personality, a history, and a father. Every detail is painstakingly considered. I once thought the Chrono series had written itself into a corner, making it difficult to make more. But at this level of detail, it's so clear to see that the Chrono universe has many, many more stories to tell. The lore has been smoothed out and expanded, the world adapted to a larger, more realistic scale, the maps given consistency from era to era. Everything about this novel (and its sequels) is patiently crafted with the utmost care. The cast all have their quirks and fears, and characters who were only a brief blip now have detailed histories, even if those histories don't come directly through in the novel itself. The characterization is what really shines here... Every character, major and minor, just has so much MORE to them than ever before. "

- Jacob Kuntzman

10/28/16—Beta Reading in Process

I reached a significant milestone less than two months ago with the completion of all my edits and changes to the first novel.  Now we have an actual, full-length novel.  Following this achievement, I've just begun a beta reading process, which is spanning both long-time fans of the game and other readers who have never played  Chrono Trigger before.  Take a look below at what one of the readers is already saying about the novel:

"You are making me fall in love all over again with characters I already loved. ... I'm not kidding.  This is better in an unedited state than most finished, published books I've read."

"I actually halfway want to ask you to lock all 7 heroes in a room for 24 hours, put some magical enchantment on it so they can't kill each other (they get blown back if they try), and just write out the hilarity that ensues."
- Jacob Kuntzman

6/1/16Initate Launch Sequence

After nearly 13 years, the internet home of the Chrono Trigger Novel Project finally has a new website!  This site is somewhat simplified, currently without a lot of multimedia content.  Its purpose right now is simply to be informative about the novel and its progress.

I’m also proud to announce that CTNP is the new home of the and domain names, in addition to our long-standing toponym of  This step marks one of the first significant financial investments into CTNP’s future, an early sign that CTNP is in fact ready for business.  That being said, I do want to be clear that CTNP and this website are not officially affiliated with Square Enix in any way, and that the intellectual properties of Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross are fully owned and controlled by Square Enix.  This is a fan-made website for a personal project, which ultimately will be proposed for further development, at the sole discretion of the IP holder.

Finally, I want to thank all of the fans and friends who have continued to stand by my side in keeping this dream alive.  We look forward to bright horizons and an amazing future for the Chrono brand.

4/29/16Of Things to Come

There is much movement in the Chrono Trigger Novel Project these days; suffice it to say that for now. The novel is being polished in some amazing ways; a new website will be shortly launched; dreams and goals abound for this franchise; and, in due time, we will approach Square Enix with our proposal to do amazing things with the Chrono series. Right now I am very excited and very driven, and I invite you to share in that excitement and hopeful anticipation of something wonderful to come. Till then, farewell, my friends!

10/25/15Aged Like A Fine Wine

That's how I see the CT Novel these days. I have chosen now to make an update, because there is actually something to report. I've mentioned before how recent years in my life have represented a period of refinement for me both personally and professionally, with many significant changes that have their own direct and indirect effects on how this long-standing project is handled. Well, about 10 days ago I acted on some of that which has been specifically gained on the professional level by placing a call with a well-connected contact in the licensing industry. We specifically discussed the Chrono Trigger Novel and a strategy most likely to finally gain a serious audience with Square Enix. This development has motivated me to once again make the CT Novel a priority achievement, right up there with my time spent on work and family. That, my friends, is truly the biggest update I could hope to give you at this time.

To address the earlier statement, "aged like a fine wine," to most (myself included), this project may seem to go nowhere fast. In many respects, that is true, but it's all about timing and readiness - not just for me personally but also for the fan base, for Square Enix, for the story itself, and for the overall market. With the 20th anniversary of Chrono Trigger having come and gone, it seems safe to say that nothing truly new is going to happen in this series without some kind of "awakening." To me, that perfect awakening is in the retelling of this story in novel format, a completely new and expansive way to broaden its reach and invoke a fresh breath of life. Timing has also worked to the advantage of this novel's quality, which speaks both to my personal growth as a writer as well as canonical developments over time (most recently via the Nintendo DS version of the game) and a wealth of fan analysis that has been extremely beneficial to help tackle loose ends and enigmas. I primarily have both the Chrono Compendium website and the CTNP's own forums to thank for that over the years. This all helps me to tie all available story elements together as neatly as possible, from the original storytelling medium of the SNES to the Playstation to the DS to original Japanese script translations and on into Chrono Cross. Rest assured that all of these are implemented into the novel as carefully as possible, while the novel itself continues to stand with its own identity and contributions to the story we all know and love, and what we hope to achieve for the future. After all, do we not all ultimately hope for a new installment to the series, something which gives us more appropriate closure following Serge's adventure in Cross? I press forward fully convicted that the CT Novel has the power to help affect this change and advance the series in ways we have all hoped to see for so many years now. The popularity of the Chrono series is indisputable. As recently as earlier this month, Clevver Movies listed Chrono Trigger among 7 video games they would love to see turned into a movie (check that out here). Yet, we've seen minimal action from SE on this series, and I have to assume there may be very unique reasons and challenges which contribute to that. Whatever those challenges may be, I now believe that the unique approach of this novel may be just the kind of advancement we need to finally turn the tides and advance this series.

There are actually a few website updates to report, which include content updates to the Personal and Contact pages. Right now my focus is on the novel itself, as finishing this is the most important thing of all. As I'm able to dedicate time otherwise, I will go through the various pages of this site and the forum for updates and highlight them here. Finally, thanks for hanging in there with me and believing in this project. As you can see, I'm still in the fight to make this happen, so keep your eyes peeled for more to come!